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You know what would be really unnecessary? An online playsheet for this game in the style of vintage bowling scorecards to track your bowlers' scores and write down their names and descriptions.

But uh, whoops, it exists now. Instructions on how to use this sheet are in the top-right corner. (Note that it automatically tallies your total scores, so you only need the one to two boxes for the frames.)


It's the story of [three] (it can be more) [guys] (it can be chicks) who go [bowling] (it can be another activity). In fact, it's just the story of an evening with friends, with the stories we tell each other, the [pins] we knock down as regularly as the glasses of beer, the memories that stir; people who prevent us from being quiet for 5 minutes; and then the rest of the evening, where we confide in each other a little more, before parting, and seeing you next Saturday. A nice game in the form of a slice of life.